I have a mental list happening of the final posts for my "Pins for the Win" theme happening here on my blog. I know I want to do writing, management, motivation/quote posters, and art. Art seemed the most fun out of all of those options, and it's one of those days where my motivation is quite low to do anything productive (as I hear my fiancé upstairs deep cleaning the master bed and bath *oops*), so I need something fun to write about! Here are my top art pins from over the last year or so. Again, some I have done, and some I haven't!
I have done this project with both my 6th graders and kids at the summer camp I used to run (ages 6-11). It's super easy, and they look so cool when finished. The 6th graders and I hung up all of our finished hand drawings on a wall in our classroom, and they looked great together, even though they were all a little different! http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986832245365/ |
I also did this with my 6th graders this past Christmas. I used a large canvas I got on sale at a craft store and had each one of my kiddos put a handprint. I helped them with the layout of their handprints so it looked like a Christmas tree. After their handprints dried, I stenciled colored circles that looked like ornaments and wrote my students names on them with black Sharpie (2 names on each). On the bottom I wrote "Ms.Carlyle's Class 2012." I'll definitely do it again this year! http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986833186599/ |
I really like the look of this art project. The mix of patterns and color is really interesting to the eye. I pinned this quite a while ago but have not done it with my class. It looks pretty tricky and I'll need to go back to the website linked to the pin to get better directions. This is definitely a project that I would want to do alone first before introducing it to the kids! The one awesome thing about finding things on Pinterest is that it's great to have a visual example. I'm a new-ish teacher, so I don't always have examples of everything I want to do stored away! http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986834520605/ |
I did this project just the other day actually! This is what I call an "all-inclusive" pin. You don't have to mess with following the link to the website, because it has step by step pictures right here. This was super easy but did take some time to make it nice and neat. I will definitely be doing this with my 6th graders this year. One thing I like is that they can choose which color(s) to complete the picture with (I did pink and white!) http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986834830031/ |
I told you this was low-motivation Monday, so that is all I have in me for this blog post. I definitely do have more art projects on my
Teacher, Teacher Pinterest board if you're interested!
I love the hand art! It looks so real.It makes me want to come up with a reason to connect a hand with health and do something creative with it! Thanks for sharing :)