I am a strange breed of teacher. I have extreme anxiety (anyone who knows me knows this is no secret) and get myself incredibly worked up when things "feel" messy or cluttered. What makes that strange? I bring it upon myself with my lack of organization skills. I'm not like, hoarder status, but I just don't take the time to do things right (put those papers where they need to go, file that lesson, etc) and it comes back to bite me in the butt. When you walk into my classroom it doesn't seem messy. Because I am more likely to just throw clutter away (most likely losing valuable papers and such) than sort through it like I should. I'm starting out the school year in a new classroom, and am hoping to use that as a clean slate/fresh start to staying on top of everything. Today I am going to pin things that I found related to keeping that classroom clean and organized, and didn't seem too overwhelming. I don't have many...because like I said, I am no organization maven, but it's better than nothing!
This is a picture of my room that I actually uploaded to Pinterest last year. I only copy things week-by-week. I know some teachers do whole months or even semesters at a time, but I work best just doing it week by week. I keep my copies for the week in these manilla folders. One huge benefit to this, is if I am unexpectedly absent one day, it makes it that much easier to write sub-plans and explain where things are. In the very back, I usually keep extra worksheets for kids who are done, or if I do have a sub and they need something for the kids to do. http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986832704228/ |
Wow. Would I want this in my room? Yes. Do I think it will ever happen? No. http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986834848826/ |
This year, in my new classroom, I have a whiteboard like this at the back of the room behind my desk. It's obviously not going to be a very effective teaching space, so I like the idea of using as a big calendar like this. I can mark off the lines with tape (I found painters or masking tape works best, NOT duct tape) and adjust the calendar each much by adding velcro backed laminated numbers, or even just writing the days in. It's a great way to share with the kids upcoming events, due dates, and changes in school schedules. http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986834848820/ |
This is something that I actually took a picture of in my classroom and uploaded to pinterest. My room is a portable, so I'm always bringing papers and what have you to and from the main building. I realized that I was losing track of things on my desk, so I stapled a few manilla folders to the wall, near my other important documents (calendar, pacing guides, etc). It worked out really well for me! |
This is not a new concept, but it's one that I have never tried. I get nervous doing things with student numbers, because I have a high rate of turnover in my classroom (in our school). This year, I want to modify this idea a bit and use it in my room. Instead of a bin with individual numbers, I think I'll use an absent folder. If a student is absent, a folder will be placed on their desk by me or a student helper. Throughout the day, any worksheets or whatnot that are passed out can be put in that folder. This avoids lost worksheets, the usual "but I didn't get that one" a week later when something is due, and a messy desk covered in papers. http://pinterest.com/pin/234327986834663437/
I think the idea about the absent student folder would be very helpful. We assign students a study buddy to keep track of an absent student's work. They fill out an absent student sheet of what the student missed to send home with all of the worksheets. A folder would be a great idea to send around with the student throughout the day too.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great idea and one I never thought of! I am going to try to do this for the upcoming year. It can get so aggravating to explain to three different kids what they missed and find their papers. If I had another student keeping track of it, it would be so much easier. I have high school kids and some of them are just looking for something to do for me.
DeleteI love organization! I normally just find ideas and make it fit for me. I like putting things in folders for the week as well and I also purchased clips with the days of the week to try out. It is much easier to organize as you go.
ReplyDeleteThe calendar on the board idea is awesome! I need to get into my room and start working on stuff like that. It looks visually appealing too and I think it gets kids' attention so they will look at it. Do you think you would have trouble with kids erasing or changing anything on it? Hopefully not, but I've had some kids who think they are being funny...
ReplyDeleteLove your M-F folders. When I was subbing on college breaks, my 4th grade teacher gave me that tip (she was still teaching) and I never forgot it! I have M-F folders on my desk and put papers for the week in them as I run them off. I even have an extra for extra activities, too, in case there is any kind of change in plans. Usually there is a math color sheet or a Scholastic News. It was a simple little tip that I have used for 23 years!! Love the first art project with the hand, too. My daughter did that in school and I thought it was one of the coolest designs and very creative. She would do it on her own for fun, too, afterwards. Great posts this week!!
I love the absent day folders. I had a high turn over rate in my class last year and it seemed like I had a new student every month. I always had stacks of papers from the week that I tried to keep in one spot to hand into students who were absent or try to catch new students up.
ReplyDeleteI also like the calendar on. I always had a small calender up by my door and my students always looked at it. They were so nosey lol. They liked seeing when my meetings were, when I was going to be gone or any special event coming up.