Thursday, July 18, 2013

Goal #2: Student Bloggers

Last week when I was researching blogs created by teachers and blogs created for teachers, I stumbled upon the idea of using blogs in the classroom in a different way.
Let the kids blog!
I instantly knew this was something I wanted to do with my 6th graders. I think 6th grade is the perfect age for this because they are incredibly digitally savvy, are obsessed with social networking, and are often just plain sick of writing....with paper and pencil, that is.
I immediately began researching websites that I could use to allow my students to have a blog in a safe and secure environment....that I could control :) I decided I really liked the looks of the website
Kid blog reminded me of other teacher-led websites that I have used like IXL and That Quiz. I think it is really important when kids are using the web, that the teacher has some control over the sites they are on, and MOST importantly, has a way to track their work and progress.
So, how do I see this being used in my classroom? My kids write A LOT! They write about their reading, they write about their math, they write about their lives, they write stories and essays....they are writing, writing, writing, every day! Throughout the year, their complaints about writing increase, and really, can I blame them? I think incorporating a blog will give them a new, exciting, and fresh way to share their thinking. I am also hoping that this will provide a platform for students to discuss their classmates thinking and have meaningful and engaging discussions (much like the ones I have with my classmates during my masters work).
I'm going to do more exploring on KidBlog this summer and fine-tune exactly how I see it incorporated into my English Language Arts curriculum. I will keep you updated on how it goes!! 


  1. I can't wait to hear how you do with KidBlog. What are you thinking of having your students write about? I'm curious if this blog is set up with other schools with other children the same age? I will explore it as well to answer those questions. If the students are getting feedback from writing, it will surely engage and motivate them to write more. Good luck!

  2. I love that you want to have your students blog. I am teaching fifth grade for the first time and I am very curious to see how it goes in a 6th grade class, because I would love to try it with my students. I agree with you thinking this will probably ease the complaints of writing, especially if they know their friends and classmates will be reading it, as they might take their work more seriously. I can't wait to see how it turns out! Do you think you will read all their blogs? If so, how often?

  3. I love the idea of giving the kids a new outlet for all of their writing! Sixth graders are the perfect age for blogging and this will recharge them when they are feeling frustrated by all of the writing that is expected of them. Do you read/correct all of their blogs?
